If you have two Dynodex files that you would like to combine into one, you can easily do this using "Merge Files". For example, you might have a "master list" of addresses that everyone in your workgroup needs in a file called "Company Addresses". If you gave this to someone in the group, he/she could combine the "Company Addresses" file with his/her personal address file, "My File", and call the newly merged file "Everyone I Know".
To merge Dynodex documents:
• Open the file you want to merge into. In the example above, you would open "My File", so you could merge in "Company Addresses".
• Choose “Merge Files” from the File Menu.
• Select the Dynodex file you want to merge in with the current file. In the example above, you would choose "Company Addresses".
• Click "Merge".
• Type the name of the newly merged file. (In the example above, you would type "Everyone I Know".) If you want, you can save it under the same name ("My File").
• Click "Merge". The merged document will be saved under the name you gave it, and will automatically open.
NOTE: If you merge two very large Dynodex files, the new merged file may be too large to open in the current memory set aside for Dynodex. (The default memory for Dynodex is 640K, which holds about 1,000 records.) Dynodex will inform you and ask you to reassign more memory to the application. With more memory assigned, you'll be able to open your merge file.
To assign more memory to the Dynodex application:
• Make sure you have quit the Dynodex application.
• In the Finder, click once on the Dynodex application icon to select it and choose "Get Info", Cmd-I.
• Type a larger number in the "Application Memory Size" text box. For example, if you increase to 1024K, you can fit about 2,000 records.
• Close the "Get Info" dialog.
• Double-click on the merge file you want to open.